avalanche roses

 AVALANCHE ROSES   the majestic white rose just perfect for weddings!


Avalanche Roses, named after pure white snow cascading down the mountains, is a beautiful rose with a large blowsy flower head. In a mass of clean white petals, gently edged with a hue of lime green, the avalanche rose is extremely popular in wedding work. Avalanche roses are one of the larger white roses available on the wholesale flower markets and are at the high-end of quality with price often reflecting this fact. Avalanche roses are probably one of the best examples of a commercially grown rose resembling a vintage style garden rose. With its exclusive look and feel, the avalanche rose has become the staple diet of bespoke florists and floral designers world wide.

Avalanche roses are available all year round, with the best quality produced in the summer months - the stems are naturally stronger and the flowers larger during their 'natural' growing season. In the colder months, avalanche roses are in smaller supply. This has the effect of increasing the price. Avalanche roses are sold in wholesale wraps of either 10 or 20 stems depending on the grade and stem length. Avalanche roses are typically available in the following stem lengths: 50cm, 60cm, 70cm, 80cm, 90cm and 100cm. By rule of thumb, the longer the stem, the larger the flower head. Many florists use different stem lengths in the same project - this gives them the ability to use the avalanche rose variety in different head sizes for maximum effect.

Over the last little while avalanche roses have steadily become the most popular white wedding rose in the UK, fitting in perfectly with the now fashionable Vintage Wedding theme.

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